The very essence of the wedding, is the union of two souls,to hold and respect and cherish for life, through thick and thin.”Nachammai & Mani Sundharram”,a sweet couple who are crazy in love. The way they looked at each other,just melted our heart.There is just so much ENERGY and we throughly enjoyed in capturing it.

And three different smiles,compliments each other!!

He:Oh God,I should get a salary hike!! She:Oh God,My bucket list of shopping should get fulfilled!!😉😉

The emotional part of Vidai,mixed emotions,stuck between newlywed bliss & waving goodbye!!

He:Even a yoga or meditation could not give energy as your smile gives!! Your smile is my energy booster!!

In a lovely place,with a lovely person!! “Karaikudi houses”,Rich in Cultural, heritage, art and architecture,Amazing view!! Priceless you!!

And this kumkum on my forehead makes a complete me!!

Peak of cute & innocence!!🌹😍😘

Waiting for a punch from the tiny fist,a kick from the tiny toes,to complete our family pose!!