Aswin & Sakthi Iyengar Wedding Shoot – The Phototoday Photography
The Iyengar community celebrates their weddings in vedic style with cute and long traditions.Their weddings become an occasion to celebrate and rejoice with splendour, customs, traditions and of course a lot of people and food. And here comes the typical brahmin wedding of couple”Aswin & Sakthi”, which has all the ingredients of emotions, fun, melam, thalam,”Mamas”,”Athais”,”Athimbers”
and offcourse “Filter kaapi”😉!! And here we narrow down to 10-20 best shots!!

Well decorated “Marapachi” depicting “He” & “She”!!

And the team go wow!!

She: Fly & High in the blue sky!! He:Omg!! No WIFI !!

Taken for love!!

“Mr.Pattu veshti” & “Mrs.Panchakatcham”!! Awesome!! “Besh Besh,Romba nalla iruku”!!

She: Mission Accomplished!!After the hustle & Bustle of rituals,relaxing on your shoulders!! He: Darling,shall i fan you with the “Visiri”!!

Let’s take off!!

The sizzling chemistry!!

Deeper the love between me & you,the darker the Mehndi!!

Aswin:Darling,I’m gonna win!! Sakthi: Dear “Catch me if you can”,i have tri “sakthi”(durga,kali & ambal) to hold me high!!

Love is floating in the air!!So as we!!

“Sundari neyum,sundaran neyanum”!!

Stop & Stare for we are “Team Bride”!! Common lets Pose!!

And this Lovely Mama & Maami!! Like flower & bee!!

And a cool entry under the flower Bed!!

Emotionally beautiful or Beautifully Emotional????

Is it the light that sparkles or her eyes??? Or her Smile????Omg 😇😇😇 Confused??? “A Sparkling beauty” in glittering light!!

Flash your attitude!! And this is called as brideswag!!